Acceptance of Terms:

The Property People Aotearoa Limited (“TPPL”) maintains this website (the “Site”) for your personal use. Your access to and use of this Site is subject to the following Terms of Use (“Terms”). TPPL reserves the right to update these Terms at any time without notice to you. By using this Site, you agree to these Terms without reservation.

Accuracy and Completeness of Information:

TPPL endeavours to provide accurate and reliable information, but makes no warranties or representations to the accuracy, correctness, reliability or otherwise with respect to such information. TPPL assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in information provided on this Site.

Modification of Site:

TPPL will modify the content of this Site periodically and has no obligation to notify past, current or prospective users of any modifications.


All content and material (including logos and brand identities), unless otherwise noted, on this Site are the exclusive property of TPPL. By using this site, you agree that you will not copy, modify, alter, display, distribute, sell, broadcast or transmit any material on this Site in any manner or for any use without the written permission of TPPL. Replication of this information by any means, except personal use, without consent will constitute a breach of these Terms.

Omission not a waiver of legal right:

TPPL’s failure to act with respect to a breach of these Terms by you or others does not constitute a waiver and shall not limit TPPL’s rights with respect to such breach or any subsequent breaches. All claims TPPL may have under these terms will be brought within a ‘reasonable’ time period under the circumstances.

Unsolicited Submissions:

TPPL does not accept or consider any suggestions or ideas submitted from the public (“Submissions”). Any Submissions made by the public attach no confidentiality or proprietary rights, and any such information obtained becomes the property of TPPL for any purpose whatsoever.

Privacy Policy:

Any private information submitted to the Site is administered by the site’s Privacy Policy, which is available to view on our website.

Limitation of Liability:

All content on the site is provided on an “as is” basis. TPPL makes no warranties and takes no responsibility for any loss or damages caused (whether incidental or directly) due to:

  • the reliance on information provided or omitted on this site, or any third-party sites or content accessed through this site;
  • the unavailability of this site or any portion thereof; or
  • the use of any equipment or software in connection with this site.


By using this Site you indemnify TPPL against any & all claims, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees) arising from any action related to your usage of this Site.


TPPL maintains and operates this Site from its offices in New Zealand. These Terms of Use are governed and interpreted under the laws of New Zealand.